60 min
90 min
The teratment provides a perfect experience of the phisical and menthal wellness.The endorphone generating effect of the chocolate charges the body and mind with harmonic energy.
The treatment is fantastic experience in various aspect. The chocolate as contains cacao misturize and smoothen the skin fill the essencial minerals into it in a natural way refreshing body and mind.
Surprisingly it affects the cellulitis as well.
The purpose of the massage is to introduce the cholocalte ingredients into the skin with a massage,then leave on the skin during 10-15 minutes, until the matreials get into the skin.
Purpose of treatment:
• increasing endorfine production
• Regenerating the skin, the skin looks younger
• Antistress
• Relaxation
Other effects of the treatment:
• Establish the ballance of body and mind, a real wellness massage
• The chocolate moisturize and tighten the skin, producing a silky touch
• Reduces the cholesterol
• Replaces the missing minerals, refreshing
• Maked a good effect to the cellulitis
• Increases the lymptonic circulation
• Cleans of residues
• Energyzing
The treatment process:
The treatment starts as the patiente lies on the belly. The procedure is similar to the other oil massages, but here we apply warm chocolate.
The purpose of the massage is to introduce the cholocalte ingredients into the skin with a massage, then leave on it till 10-15 minutes for the total effect, and relazation.
This treatment is recommended for those who:
• want an exclusive, really relaxing experience.
• To reduce the daily stress, choose the relaxing, refreshing energy of the chocolate
Not recommended for those who:
• has eczema, achne
• sensitive for the inflamations
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